Armand Heitz Meursault La Barre
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酒質介紹 :
- 葡萄品種:100% Chardonnay。
- 釀造:Armand不論紅白酒都採用整串發酵,他認為這樣的做法有助於提高酒質的集中度與香氣的複雜度。經過輕柔的壓榨後,連同沉澱物一起導入橡木桶進行發酵與培養。酒莊的白酒,具有硬質的礦物感,展現極為優雅的本質,由精巧的酸度與輕盈的柑橘類水果香氣包裹,十分均衡,令人聯想到剛進入試飲期的Leflaive。紅酒則具有妖豔迷的性感香氣,將印象中較為陽剛的Pommard村,詮釋得猶如寶塚歌舞劇的王子般,酒體修長,氣質過人。
「La Barre」地塊的土壤由潛層泥灰土組成,黏土含量比例更高一些,因此酒款風格也更豐滿與集中。於橡木桶(25%新桶)陳釀11個月。散發新鮮的梨子、白桃與檸檬香氣,揉合細緻的蜂蜜、杏仁與榛果氣息,疊加交織出迷人的多層次風味。口感圓潤,年輕時飲用就已非常迷人,若經過時間的淬鍊則更顯風華。年產量3,423瓶。
- « Fresh, slowly augmenting with some floral perfume. Nice width on the plate, an appealing complexity of flavour – beautifully finishing again, here with a width of fine mineral-style flavour. I wouldn’t guess Meursault blind, but I’d be devouring anyway ! »
Bill Nanson - Burgundy Report - « Quite buttery and ripe. Full-bodied, quite dense. Richer texture. Some savoury stone underneath ».
Sarah Marsch - MW - « Here too there is a discreet touch of oak setting off the toasted nut, pear liqueur and acacia blossomscented nose. Once again there is good vibrancy to the delicious and relatively refined medium-bodied flavors that exhibit good length if only average depth. However, there is sufficient development potential that this should be able to add depth with a few years of bottle aging. »
Allen Meadows - Burghound 2018
國際評分 :
- 2020 年份評分:Burghound 90
- 2019 年份評分:Jasper Morris 91, Vinous 91
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