


我是潘大鈞-美麗山丘的莊主和釀酒師。在2007年時,因著自己的夢想,希望釀出世界級最優雅、細緻的葡萄酒,開始了美麗山丘酒莊的夢想之旅。雖然我們才成立短短七年,但卻獲得很多大師級的肯定,像是美國權威評分家Robert Parker 90分以上的讚賞,以及世界級葡萄酒雜誌和知名評分機構WS,WE和其他知名評分家James Suckling, Stephen Tanzer的高分支持。很高興有這樣的成績未來我們會繼續努力。

今天很榮幸和大家分享我們下一個目標和夢想,我們將會於2015年四月,在臺北市中心(大安區)-仁愛路和延吉街交叉口(臺北市仁愛路四段383號B1),提供一個葡萄酒愛好者的天堂-Domaine Wine Cellars,誠摯的邀請您和我們一起踏上夢想的旅程。

  • Domaine Wine Cellars提供全世界主要葡萄酒產區,最具代表性的好酒,讓顧客買到最好品質,最多元的選擇。
  • Domaine Wine Cellars提供一個舒適溫暖的環境,讓葡萄酒愛好者,可以分享對酒的熱情和喜悅。
  • Domaine Wine Cellars提供一個方便又安全的酒櫃出租空間。
  • Domaine Wine Cellars提供一個葡萄酒專業知識教育和推廣的場地。
  • Domaine Wine Cellars讓顧客感受到VIP級的禮遇,卻享有超值價位的服務。
  • Domaine Wine Cellars提供一個優質的葡萄酒環境,藉以提升台灣的品酒文化。

Dear fellow wine aficionados:

I founded my winery Les Belles Collines in 2007 to fulfill my dream of producing some of the most beautiful and elegant wines in the world. Just a mere seven years later, our wines have earned 90+ scores from Robert Parker, Wine Spectator, Wine Enthusiast, James Suckling, and Stephen Tanzer as well as countless accolades. I am proud to have achieved my dream, and I work every day to see that this dream continues.

Today, I have a new dream. I dream of a new destination in Taipei dedicated to wine lovers.

  • I dream that this destination sells wine from all the major wine regions of the world, representing the best wines from all of the leading importers in Taiwan.  I want consumers to know that when they buy a wine here it’s because the wine is of high quality and good, and not just because it’s just what we have. 
  • I dream that this destination provides a comfortable, inviting environment for all wine lovers to drink and share their love of wine with their friends.
  • I dream that this destination provides convenient and secure storage for wines.
  • I dream that this destination is a place to promote wine education and knowledge.
  • I dream that this destination can allows all wine lovers to experience VIP treatment and service at non-VIP prices.
  • I dream that this destination elevates the level of our wine culture in Taiwan.

Domaine Wine Cellars will be a wine lover’s paradise and the most comprehensive wine facility in all of Taiwan. I warmly invite you to join me on this journey. 

With my warmest regards, 

David W. Pan