仁愛本館 / 專業藏酒櫃
仁愛本館 / 出租藏酒櫃
- 取酒便利-位於台北市中心大安區。
- 全酒櫃恆溫恆濕控制,外加三倍額外電力支援。
- 酒櫃出租貴賓享有獨家優惠,和第一手活動消息。
- 高挑舒適品酒空間,鈞太門市酒款免收開瓶費。
- 每箱酒櫃皆有專屬隔板,可彈性調整空間。
- 酒櫃出租從10箱到1000箱。 全方位低溫無UV LED照明 。
- 三層樓高防水災管理。
- 一週七天皆可取酒。
- 提供專業搬運服務。
- 24小時保全監控。
- 緊急供電設備。
- 防震隔離管理。
- 火災預防管理。
Domaine Wine Cellars offers you secure private wine locker rentals in an ultra-convenient location in the heart of Taipei's Da'an District. Our wine storage facility features:
- Self-access locker units from 10 to 1000 cases
- 24 hour security
- Temperature controlled at 14 degrees Celsius
- Humidity controlled between 70-80% relative humidity
- Vibration-dampening technology
- No-UV, low-heat LED lighting
- Flood mitigation measures
- Fire suppression systems
- Backup power generation
- Access to your locker 7 days a week
- Tuesday-Saturday 10:00am - 01:00am
- Sunday-Monday 12:00pm - 8:00pm
For more information about storing your wine with us, please email service@domaine.com.tw