Armand Heitz Bourgogne Pinot Noir
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酒質介紹 :
- 葡萄品種:100% Pinot Noir。
- 釀造:Armand不論紅白酒都採用整串發酵,他認為這樣的做法有助於提高酒質的集中度與香氣的複雜度。經過輕柔的壓榨後,連同沉澱物一起導入橡木桶進行發酵與培養。酒莊的白酒,具有硬質的礦物感,展現極為優雅的本質,由精巧的酸度與輕盈的柑橘類水果香氣包裹,十分均衡,令人聯想到剛進入試飲期的Leflaive。紅酒則具有妖豔迷的性感香氣,將印象中較為陽剛的Pommard村,詮釋得猶如寶塚歌舞劇的王子般,酒體修長,氣質過人。
- « Round but deep, darkly fruited, faintly touched by reduction. Fills the mouth – like the last a wine of fine energy and mouth-watering, acid-led fruit. A certain extra depth to the mid-palate flavour – almost a creaminess. This is very attractive and outperforms the label. Excellent wine ». Bill Nanson - Burgundy Report
- « Has been destemmed, he bought the machine this year, having decided not to continue the previous « all stems » policy. Pink and purple, very elegant stylish, sweet cherry fruit, attractively glossy. ». Jasper Morris - Inside Burgundy
國際評分 :
- 2020年份評分:Burghound 87
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