David Pan

Champagne:Les Bulles et Les Icônes 《 香檳:絕美的氣泡和至高的工藝 》華文精裝 2022/11/24發行

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Champagne:Les Bulles et Les Icônes
《 香檳:絕美的氣泡和至高的工藝 》華文精裝書


    • 華文世界第一本集香檳區大成之著作
    • 超過一百間,當代最具影響力的香檳生產者介紹
    • 專業紙材、精緻裝幀,不可錯過的傳世典藏

    《香檳:絕美的氣泡和至高的工藝》由葡萄酒學者協會香檳大師課程(Wine Scholar Guild’s Champagne Master-Level Progra)的認證講師 —— 潘大鈞(David Pan)累積三年的時間研究與編輯而成,內容共分為「絕美的氣泡」和「至高的工藝」兩冊,總計800多頁的圖文中,內容涵蓋香檳區的歷史、風土、種植、釀造與實務等全方位知識,更介紹超過一百位當代香檳區最具影響力的生產者,將香檳區多樣的風土特性與釀造風格完整蒐羅其中。






    • 潘大鈞 David Pan

      David是「鈞太酒藏」(Domaine Wine Cellars)的創始者與總經理。,代理世界許多葡萄酒產區中最值得尊崇的生產者。David曾經拜訪並品嘗過數百間世界頂級的生產者……。


    香檳權威 Peter Liem 推薦


    “From my visits to Asia I’ve seen how rapidly the appreciation and understanding of champagne has grown among wine lovers there, due in no small part to David’s tireless work as an importer, retailer and educator. With this book, David has created a wonderful resource that is impressive for both its breadth and depth of information, and that is surely the first of its kind in Chinese. It’s thoughtfully written and carefully researched, covering a comprehensive array of topics within the world of champagne, and it will undoubtedly be an invaluable reference for consumers for many years to come.”

    —— Peter Liem


    Peter Liem

    • Champagne: The Essential Guide to the Wines, Producers, and Terroirs of the Iconic Region》作者
    • 香檳區權威酒評網站ChampagneGuide.net 創辦人
    • 世界葡萄酒地圖 The World Atlas of Wine》香檳章節顧問
    • 曾任《Wine & Spirits》雜誌資深編輯與品酒總監

    葡萄酒權威 Allen Meadows 推薦

    「 極富深度、研究透徹且精美呈現的雙冊彙編。不惜一切成本打造這套精裝書籍,幾乎每一頁都有令人嘆為觀止的彩色照片,將讀者帶入對香檳至關重要的人和地方的視覺之旅。...文字清晰簡潔,從新手到專業人士,這套參考書對於所有香檳愛好者,都是必不可少的參考資料。」—— by Allen Meadows Burghound  

    extremely well-written, researched and beautifully presented 2-book compendium.

    No expense was spared in the creation of this beautiful “coffee table” set. With breathtaking color photos on nearly every page, the reader is taken on a visual journey of the people and places vital to Champagne.

    ...clear and concise, and this set is a necessary reference for all Champagne enthusiasts, from novice to professional.

    —— Allen Meadows


    Allen Meadows

    • 葡萄酒權威網站Burghound創辦人

    北美香檳推廣先驅 Terry Theise 推薦

    香檳 — 一個鮮少以此作為主題深入研究,始終被大眾誤解而壟罩著一層神秘面紗的產區。David的這套書籍成功地聚焦在香檳區的風土、生產者以及他們的酒款上,將他作為零售商與釀酒師的一切所學融會貫通,以深入淺出的方式傳遞給大眾,為香檳區再添一套經典著作。多麼令人眼睛為之一亮的一套巨作!David 孜孜不倦的研究精神著實令人激賞,這套書籍肯定會成為香檳愛好者與專業人士之間廣為流傳的必備指南。

    “The world of Champagne can never have too much light shone upon it, and David Pan’s book joins a pantheon of recent books on this still misunderstood region, its producers, and its wines, bringing all the skills he’s learned as a winemaker and retailer to the task of conveying the intricacies of Champagne to a new audience. What a joy, that Champagne is attracting researchers and writers with David Pan’s command of detail, alongside his great acumen and thoroughness.”

    —— Terry Theise


    Terry Theise

    • 北美香檳進口先驅
    • 2005《Food & Wine》雜誌評選年度最佳進口商
    • 2008 James Beard最傑出葡萄酒與烈酒專家 (James Beard Outstanding Wine and Spirits Professional)
    • 《紐約時報》評選年度最佳葡萄酒書作者
    • 《酒與酒之間》作者

    葡萄酒大師兼《Decanter》布根地與香檳專職作家 Charles Curtis MW 推薦


    “I cannot help but be struck by the exceptional detail and very high production values of the new work by David Pan.  This looks like an essential element to the wine library of any champagne-loving Asian collector and a marvelous achievement for the Champagne literature.  I am particularly struck by the depth of detail in both the technical and connoisseurship sections dealing with the producers.”

    —— Charles Curtis MW


    Charles Curtis MW

    • 《Decanter》布根地與香檳專職作家
    • 《La Revue du Vin de France》中文版專欄作家
    • 《The Original Grands Crus of Burgundy》作者
    • 曾任 Moët Hennessy USA 葡萄酒與烈酒教育總監

    亞太區最年輕 MW Sarah Heller 推薦

    David Pan在亞洲葡萄酒圈內聲名遠播,長久以來致力於推廣以風土為導向的葡萄酒,最初是從布根地開始,然後擴展到香檳區。這套書籍將打破人們把香檳區整體視為一個品牌的迷思,透過詳盡地圖與生產者資訊,系統化為各位讀者闡述各家生產商之間技術差異,使我們對於所喜愛的酒款擁有更加全方位認識,進而發掘出其他風格相仿類型酒品。尤其本書將以繁體中文出版,對於廣大的華語圈香檳愛好者來說,絕對是一大福音!

    “David Pan has been a familiar name in Asian wine circles for many years now for his passionate advocacy of terroir-specific wines, initially Burgundy and increasingly the ever-more Burgundian wines of Champagne.  His magnum opus brings a site-led approach to a region that historically has been understood in terms of brands.  By providing clear maps that place the great growers in a geographic context and carefully detailing the technical differences between wines in each producer’s portfolio, David gives his readers the tools to truly understand the wines they have enjoyed and empowers them to find other wines they may likewise enjoy.  That this resource will be available in Chinese is a boon to the greater Chinese champagne lover community, which is expanding at a rapid clip!”

    —— Sarah Heller MW


    Sarah Heller MW

    • 29歲時成為亞太區最年輕葡萄酒大師(Master of Wine
    • Tatler Asia》雜誌葡萄酒總編輯
    • WINE100 葡萄酒大賽主席兼Vinitaly國際學院教授

    台灣人最熟悉的葡萄酒大師 Mark Pygott 推薦


    “Over the last decade that I have known David Pan, his ever-expanding interest, enthusiasm and passion for the wines of Champagne have resulted in one of the most comprehensive books yet written on the subject. His desire to make this complex region accessible to those new to the subject, has been achieved without sacrificing the book’s usefulness to the more seasoned Champagne lover. A labour of love perhaps, but one worth every keystroke.”

    —— Mark Pygott MW


    Mark Pygott MW

    • 曾旅居台灣5年,期間獲得葡萄酒大師(Master of Wine)頭銜。
    • 33杯酒喝遍法國》作者。
    • 37杯酒喝遍義大利》作者。

    Les Bulles 部分線上試閱

    Les Icônes 部分線上試閱

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